NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: We don’t edit the content of these stories. They are in the submitters own words and really are ‘straight from the mouth’. Please note – sometimes the language can be a little colorful.
I bought 2 Hay Conservation Feeders from gobobpipe two years ago and they are AWESOME….(double,triple units) Built like a industructible steel shit house! I have abused them with a front end loader moving them but it has not affected them in the least=no bends, crush downs or anything. I would highly recomend them to anybody NO BULL! They really cut down on my hay spoilage and conserve hay=better than any I have ever used in 20 years plus of cattle farming not hobby farming… I just ordered some more after talking to Bob @ gobobpipe and he told me of the improvements. I only made one adjustment to mine and it was to weld a removable dome structure to the top out of conduit (like tent dome) laying around because after filling it from the top I can drape a cheap tarp over the top and tie off rope to toprail and keep most of the hay dry like a tent.. My experience is dry hay will be cleaned up by the cows but wet hay will fall down to bottom then rot or mold which is waste after falling to the bottom because they will eat the fresh hay first. It has been a good cheap addition to a great product and after talking to them they saw where I was coming from and might make another improvement in the future. I like my idea but it could be tweaked a little to have even a better idea. When I fed hay out of the barn (mangers) years ago we had little waste because it stayed dry but with today’s economy and cost of everything the versitility of feeding outside is much more economical and allows more cattle to be fed with less effort and time so hay conservation means $ in your pocket and we all must be a wise manager to save anywhere possible just to maintain and keep our farms! Best product since sliced bread, fellas Built heavy to last but with 1000lb animals, that is just the way it needs to be! No more seeing a Bull toss hay rings around like they were non existent or having them destroyed by normal stresses that we farmers must do in our everyday feeding! This is a product that pays for itself and then hangs around for years of service. THX BOB= REAL GOOD PRODUCTS FOR REAL FARMERS!
– Jay Stell – Conway, Arkansas